執筆者: 兼子次生 KANEKO Tsuguo
The establishment of the German cursive letters-based shorthand theory and its impact on the development of the shorthand systems in other languages.

 偶然、有名なJosheph Alois Schmupeter の速記メモに巡り会い、 彼の「資本主義・社会主義・民主主義」"Capitalism,Socialism and Democracy" (CSD) 遺稿研究の一端を担う機会を得た。
 彼が書いた速記が、ドイツで完成された草書派 Cursive school の始祖、ガベルスベルガー式 Gabelsberger system であることを知り、 そこから派生した方式が幾つかの経路をたどり漢字文化圏の日本、中国へ影響を与えたことがわかった。
 本論において、まずシュンペーター遺稿集のデータと出版物に収められなかった速記符号データを含む全資料の整理と電子データ化作業について報告し、 次にガベルスベルガー式速記法の発生と理論を述べ、最後に日本語、中国語、朝鮮、インドネシア語へ及ぼした影響の報告に及びたい。

I was lucky enough to run across Joseph Allois Shumpeter's shorthand notes, which gave me the opportunity to participate in the research on his posthumous work, "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" (CSD).
It turned out that Schumpeter took down notes by Gabelsberger shorthand.
It got me interested in studying the cursive letters-based shorthand theory and its influence on other cultural spheres such as East Asia - Japan, China, and Korea, as well as Euroasia.
In this paper, I will report the procedure in which we classified and digitized the data from both the collection of Schumpeter's posthumous works and those which were not included in the collection.
It will then discuss how Gabelsberger shorthand was developed and theorized and how it influenced the shorthand systems in Japanese, Chinese,Korean and Indonesian languages.

